From Steppes to Taiga

 12 Days Tour

Day 1 The Amarbayasgalant Monastery

On this day you will drive to get to visit one of the biggest monastery in Mongolia which locates in Selenge province.

 The Amarbayasgalant Monastery or the "Monastery of Tranquil Felicity", is one of the three largest Buddhist monastic centers. 

Mostly, monasteries located in such a beautiful area and very secluded decorated by mountains and rivers as far this example the Amarbayasgalant is no exception. You will overstay in a ger. 

Distance: 360 km /paved and off road/

Activities: Meet the Mongolian buddhist temples and monks and hiking around natural beauty 

Day 2 Uran Togoo 

 On this day, let us take you to the Uran Togoo volcanic crater. 

The volcano exploded 25000 years ago. Now there is a lake and forests inside this volcanic crater. Located in the soum of Khutag-Öndör in the aimag of Bulgan, Uran Uul is an extinct volcano whose crater reaches 1686 metres (1,05 mile) above the ground, has 500 metres (0,31 mile) in diameter and 50 metres (164,04 feet) in depth. You will small hike to the crater and spend a night in a motel beside of paved road.

Distance : 230 km (142 mi) /paved road/

Activities : hiking, crater 

Day 3 Khovsgol Lake

You will drive to the one of the biggest lake in Mongolia. This day will quite long drive and exploring about the lake. There are 4 islands named the  Modon khui, the Khadan khui,the Dalai khui and the Baga khui. We will head to the Khadan khui island by motor boat and make wish there. Also you can see different species of a fishes. 

This area has been protected since 1992 as a National Park. The lake is still being used for transportation. Overstay in ger camp which is located beside of a lake.

Distance: 300 km (186 mi) /off road/

Activities: boat trip, hiking, exploration, cycling /optional/ 

Day 4/5/6/7/8 Reindeer Tribe in High Mountain

 These 5 days for meet with real reindeer family in wild forest. On first day, we will reach to nomadic family in a Darkhad depression.

 Next morning, we will prepare horse trek to reach the reindeer family who lives 40 km far from the nomadic family and then ride through spectacular mountains area and path will be bit tough even for a horses because its kept the wilderness. 

On a second day you will spend a whole day with minority of population who have unique lifestyle as living in yurts with the reindeers and you can try to taste of reindeer's milk, as well as, the exchange cultures. The reindeer itself is a very unique animal with no sweat gland, therefore it has to live in coldest part of the country. It is the reason that reindeer people live in far north, whilst enduring extremely changing temperatures from plus degree to minus 45 to 50 celsius in a day. After viewing this you will head back to base nomadic family as we started our horse trek. The days will be intriguing unique experience of your lifetime. 

Total distance: 420 km (260 mi) /paved and off road/

Activities: Bird watching, Exploring, Horse trek, Cultural exchange, meeting minority of the world 

Day 9 Murun City

After long drive from the north, you will head back to the Moron city which is capital of northern province. It is the day that you can restart yourself such as take a shower, do some laundry, shopping and you can hang out in a pub or lounge. Overstay in a guesthouse.

Distance: 350 km (124 mi) /off road/

Activities: Relaxing, Shower, Hang out 

Day 10 Khutag Undur Soum

On a way back to the Ugii lake, road is very long so you have to rest 1 day in a way. Therefore we have chosen this specific place. Here is the beautiful village next to the river and mountains. With this spectacular area you hike around nature and relax.

Distance: 350 km /paved road/

Activities: hike, river, mountain, village life 

Day 11 Ugiy Lake

On this day, you will go to the Ugii Lake which is a freshwater lake in eastern Arkhangai, in central Mongolia. The lake, designated as a Ramsar Site of International Importance, is known for its fish and for bird life. It is a stopover point for migrating waterbirds of the family Anatidae. 

You can swim in this fresh water lake with beautiful beaches. You will visit a nomadic family who will provide comfortable ger.

Distance: 130 km /paved and off road/

Activities: Hiking, swimming, sunset gazing, fishing /optional/

Day 12 Back to Ulaanbaatar

On a last day of our trip, we will head to the UB city and we will see a small pieces of sand on a way to a city. Our tour will end at the Ulaanbaatar city.

Activities: Hiking, camel riding 

Distance: 400 km /paved road/ 

Tour itinerary on Map


4 Pax - 1300$ Per Pax

3 Pax - 1620$ Per Pax

2 Pax - 2500$ Per Pax

1 Pax  - 4150$ Per Pax

What's Included


You will spend your evenings in a traditional Mongolian ger, skillfully crafted by authentic nomadic artisans. 

The night will be embraced by the cozy interior of the ger, providing a genuine experience of the nomadic lifestyle. 

In summary, the tour will spend night with genuine nomadic people.