3 Days tour: Khustai National Park and Kharakhorum Ancient Capital

Day 1  Terelj National Park and Great Genghis Khan Statue

In this tour we will take you to Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, one of the largest protected areas in Mongolia. Then visit the famous Genghis Khan Statue Complex, home to the world's largest equestrian statue. This tour is ideal for those looking to deepen their knowledge of Mongolian culture and history. We include horse riding in this tour where you can gallop like a nomadic around beautiful area and great chance to visit genuine nomadic family. After that get to see Aryabal meditation temple near to the turtle rock. More things to see in less time. 

Distance : 180 km /Total/Activities: Terelj  national park, Horse riding, Temple, Turtle rock, Great equastrian statue

Day 2 Khustai National Park

Khustai national park is one of the most visited place among the tourists that came to Mongolia. Main reason to visit this steppe land is observing wild animals such as Przewalski's horse, birds, deers,  and many more animals that are native to Mongolian steppe land.

Among the bird highlights of this stunning park are meadow bunting, Mongolian lark, cinereous vulture, golden and steppe eagles and boisterous flocks of red-billed chough.

In this spectacular area you can hike and observe wild life for a day.

Distance from Ub: 130km /80miles/

Activities: Hiking, Sightseeing, Observing wildlife.

Day 3: Back to Ulaanbaatar

On this day of tour we will set our journey to Ulaanbaatar city.

Distance: 350 km /paved road/

Activities : Monastery, Museum, Souvenir shop, Camel riding


4 Pax - 304$ Per Pax

3 Pax - 280$ Per Pax

2 Pax - 517$ Per Pax

1 Pax - 940$ Per Pax

What's Included


You will spend your evenings in a traditional Mongolian ger, skillfully crafted by authentic nomadic artisans. 

The night will be embraced by the cozy interior of the ger, providing a genuine experience of the nomadic lifestyle. 

In summary, the tour will spend night with genuine nomadic people.